APIC ジャーナリズム・フェローシップ・プログラム(太平洋・カリブ記者招待計画)
「APIC ジャーナリズム・フェローシップ・プログラム(太平洋・カリブ記者招待計画)」は、太平洋諸国及びカリブ諸国で活躍する優れた記者を数名日本に招待し、お互いに学びつつ、プロとしての技術を磨いていくことを目的としたユニークなプログラムです。
国際協力推進協会(APIC)は、東京を拠点とする民間団体で、日本と太平洋諸国及びカリブ諸国の協力関係を促進することを目的としており、このプログラムを主催しています。本プログラムのコーディネーターは、ベテランのアメリカ人記者であり、報道機関の役員を務めるフロイド・K・タケウチ(Floyd K. Takeuchi)氏で、第1回のプログラムから担当しています。

― 太平洋諸国 ―
Japan eases multiple-entry visa for Palauans
Lessons of an Eco-Town
Japan and Palau- a tale of two floods
Kumejima Model – an island move toward self-sufficiency
A resilience lesson from most unlikely place
- Ms. Leilani Reklai, Island Times (2019)
Public engagement spells success for Tsurumi Recycling Center
Japan leads in disaster risk reduction
Japan emperor enthroned amidst storms
No one left behind, committed volunteering
A treasure in Kumamoto
From ruins to renaissance
Innovative technology creates value for small island town
APIC 2019 sucessfully concluded
Japan’s Ministry of Education funds nutrition education campaign at Suginami School
Toyota City town a showcase for ecologically sustainable community living
Kyoto grass roots business employs Kyoto women and shares culture with tourists
With JICA support Okinawa NGO talks trash in the Pacific
Japan and Pacific Islands Countries face similar problems — self starters solve them
As Japan solves its power needs it may be solving the problem for Pacific Island Countries as well
Japan launches 450m aid program for Pacific
Benefits of creating eco-friendly cities
Japan Taking small steps to get technology right
Short takes from a Japan visit
Power of tradition provides a platform for modern times
Islands miss out by not linking health, culture and education
- Ms. Monica Miller, Southseas Broadcasting (2018)
Konnichiwa from Tokyo, Japan.
I survived a magnitude 7 earthquake in Japan
Making use of deep ocean water to make cosmetics
Journalist makes disaster preparedness his mission
A taste of Japanese traditions in busy Tokyo
Information gap in PNG/Japan cooperation
Transport Efficiency
Look at Kumejima
Preserving our cultural heritage
- Ms. Quintina Naime, LOOP PNG (2016)
We should take a leaf out of Japan’s book
Awareness vital in city waste management
Japan promotes sustainability to address global warming
The power of community engagement
Japan shows effective monitoring for natural hazards
Japan's tsunami hit city on road to recovery
Stockpile warehouses vital for disaster preparedness
Media plays vital role in disaster preparedness
PNG can learn from japan in disaster preparedness: Journalist
Take away messages in good food, disaster ready and email etiquette
Smart car, smart people
A journey of self-discovery over temples and tea
Managing island communities
Kumejima, Okinawa
- Mr. Tevita Vuibau, Fiji Times (2016)
- Ms. Rachna Nath, Fiji Television (2017)
Could Community Based Recycling Work for Fiji?
Japan Drives Fiji to Become Pacific’s “Meteorological” Hub
Konnichiwa & Bula! Welcome to Fiji.
Fiji & Japan Strengthen Trade Relations
Staying One Step Ahead of a Natural Disaster
What Could Fiji Learn from Japan’s Recycling Hype
Fiji Time JAN/FEB 2018
- Mr. Anish Chand, Islands Business (2018)
Japan May Consider Visa Waiver for Pacific Island Nations
Sendai is disaster-ready
Pacific journalists join invitation program in Japan
- Mr. Sione Taukapo, Talaki Newspaper (2016)
- Mr. Iliesa Tora, Nuku'alofa Times (2019)
Pacific lead in Waste Management
Pacific needs help as the most vulnerable, says JICA
Respect will bring harmony in society
Lack of multi-language emergency alerts leaves foreigners vulnerable
Awareness and ownership key to success
Learning makes people resilient and prepared
State and council partner to provide housing
Former nurse enjoys being a volunteer worker
Volunteer advocate says hearing people out is critical
Tora advocates need for environment journalists to do the job (Written by Rena Peterson, intern student)
My Kumejima experience
― カリブ諸国 ―
From trash to cash
Tokyo Sky Tree Tradition in harmony with technology
Spared by the Divine
Hope for a safer tomorrow
It takes a newsroom to educate
Water to power future cars, homes
Japan tsunami unites a community
Tsunami shapes future of community
Early lessons in disaster preparedness
Japanese apartment complex a model for effective waste management
Seamless info flow key to Japan's disaster management
Recollections from a devastating tsunami
Godaido – Encased in Serene Energies
- Ms. Glenda A. Allen, The Gleaner Company (2017)
Japanese school uses innovative techniques for disaster preparedness
Unique Tokyo museum imparts lessons in Anime
Preparing for the Inevitable
Tokyo’s Skytree tower, simply awesome
- Mr. Christopher Serju, The Gleaner Company (2019)
New Japanese Emperor Ascends Throne Today
Japan Quake Survivor Still Shaken By Memories
Turning The Tide On Solid Waste, Marine Pollution
Extracting Cash From Trash
The greening of Tokyo Skytree
Making solid waste more manageable
Stepping out of line in the East
Learning at lunch
SKN Newsline in Japan
Vincy in Pacific-Caribbean Journalists Program in Japan
Ingrained respect for law helps Japan’s disaster recovery
SVG has Japan’s support in Security Council seat bid?
Japan’s C’bean fisheries aid suggests a whaling link
Kenton in Kimono
For this guide, the tour is personal
Lessons for SVG from Japan’s 2011 tsunami
FEATURE: Caribbean countries taking more than just passing interest in tsunamis
C'bean countries taking more than just passing interest in Tsunamis
‘Kawasaki!’ Is this what came to mind?
Japan flood control, Japanese-style
Reflections of a Vincy journalist on a Japanese island
What I learnt while eating like a monk
Local Journalist learnt best practices in disaster preparedness and mitigation in Japan
Earthquake survival education
Hurricanes delay Grenada’s observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day
Japan, rich in Culture and Heritage
Japan seeks to address issue of declining population
Grenada looking for alternative to land filling
Japan equips Grenada’s Fire Department
Disaster Management Education in schools – A Must!!
Japanese Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP) funds first pre-school in La Mode
Disaster can strike anytime. Get ready!
The little city that could
Tokyo’s Skytree stands firm over city
Floating on wheels
The container deposit option
Quake survivors bounce back
Town fights back
Pupils drilled for natural disaster
apan eager to help with disaster management
Condo values rise with trash recycling system
Japanese executive: Media must educate about disaster preparedness
- Ms. Natalie Kim Boodram, Trinidad Express (2018)
Disaster learning centres for T&T?
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